White Rabbits

who am I wondering
in the forest lightened by the moon light
just walking and seeking the exit
in the night dawn never comes
who are you, the white rabbit
leads me, shown by the moon light
the pale light in the night dawn never comes
was the toach in the village rabbits lives
on sixteenth moon, invites me
the maze born from the endless mind
nothing to fear more than the lonelyness  white rabbit
Who am I running in the forest
just following the running rabbits
willing to find the exit on the way
when I see me, depth in the mirror
I can see red eyes and white fur...
I can see red eyes and 
in the exaust
confort came after the give up
 trap is more scary than the lonelyness
white rabbit
(adults in the village always told me,
"white rabbits in the forest are scary, they sometimes take people away to the other side. Just escape if you find them."
No, now, I know, it was a wrong story.
white rabbits must want to give people a message when they lost themselves!)
fears in my head, tears in your smile,
come on, I still can do it, I dare、
Idon't make me anymore
I can't see 'coz covered by
darkness and trees, I know I made I can
break them down!